Long lasting Joint, Muscular and BackPain Relief
In this modern era the physical ability & strength of human beings isdecreasing day by day. Even every person in young age is suffering from somedisease or pain. Severe pain gives more trouble and affects our daily routinevery badly. The trouble of pain is often increased with age and aging in humanboosts trouble. When a person get closer to the age of fifty bone and jointpain becomes the common problem. It becomes very difficult to use stairs eventhey feel difficulties in walking. Long term oral Pain medication has causedaddiction, liver and kidney damage and other complication. Just apply thetopical Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel directly to the affected area for instantrelief of your pain symptoms, it is considered as a better and saferalternative. Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel provides fast and consistent relieffrom the agony of cutaneous nerve pain and allows us to regain control over thelife we wish to live.
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Painfin®Rapid Hot Gel acts immediately for the many pains–
Pain, Sprain & Strain: In case of chronic muscle pain, a gently massage of Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel gives a quick relief from pain. Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel is also effective for sprain and strain in
any portion of the body due to sport activity or excessive physical work.
2.Joint Pain & Swelling:
Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel having a capability to minimize any types of joint pain like arthritis, gout etc. Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel goes deep to the affected dried joint, reduces swelling and inflammation in synovial cavity.
3.Back Pain: Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel is a potent analgesic drug used for the treatment of back pain. Due to warming effect of Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel,
increases the blood circulation & reduce nerve sensation to affected back muscles.
4.Lower Back Pain: Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel gives relief from pain and tiredness through proper circulation of blood vessels in Lower Back area.
5.Neck and shoulder Pain: Shoulder and Neck pain commonly due to tissue injury, tendons and ligament destruction, arthritis or Spine injury which can demage nerves causses both neck and shoulder pain.
6.Sciatica:Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel also effective in sciatica Pain. Due to effect absorption rate the active ingredients of Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel goes deep to the affected nerve & suppress the pain sensation very quickly.
7.Bone Pain:Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel is very much effective for the relief of any kind of bone pain due to destruction of bone in old age.
8.Joint Stiffness: Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel is effective in the condition of joint stiffness, numbness and tenderness, helps to relax all our muscles and nerve endings, relieving stiffness as well as pain and gives free movement of joint.
How to use Painfin®Rapid Hot Gel:
Apply Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel liberally on the painful area, it quickly penetrates deep and provides Super-fast Relief, immediately.
Apply gently to the affected area in the form of thin film not more then 2-3 times a day or follow the instructions directed by the physician.
Do not apply on the affected area if there are cuts, open wounds, rashes, eczema.
If gel comes in contact with eyes wash immediately with water. Always wash hand after using Painfin® Rapid Hot Gel. Close the cap tightly after use.